Scientific Papers Healthcare (2021): Initiative to Improve Evidence-Based Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Hospitalist Care
Scientific Papers Journal of Medical Internet Research (2021): Measuring and Improving Evidence-Based Patient Care
Scientific Papers BMJ Innovations (2020): Postmortems on Diagnostic Testing Start-Ups: Reports of Commercial Success and Failures and the Case of the Zombie Life Science Company
Scientific Papers International Urology and Nephrology (2020): Randomized Clinical Trial of a Novel Donor-Derived cfDNA Test to Detect Rejection in CPV-Simulated Renal Transplant Patients
Scientific Papers Journal of Oncology Practice (2019): Reducing Unwarranted Oncology Care Variation Across a Clinically Integrated Network: A Collaborative Physician Engagement Strategy
Scientific Papers American Journal of Clinical Oncology (2019): Clinical Utility of a Blood-based Protein Assay on Diagnostic Colonoscopy Referrals for Elevated-Risk Colorectal Cancer Patients in Primary Care
Scientific Papers BMJ Quality and Safety (2019): Standardising Hospitalist Practice in Sepsis and COPD Care
Scientific Papers Population Health Management (2019): Engaging Primary Care Providers to Reduce Unwanted Clinical Variation and Support ACO Cost and Quality Goals