I want to track items in a specific jurisdiction…
Use the filtering options in your Bill and Proposed Rule set up to select criteria for your email report.
I want to track specific bills to proposed rules…
Add items to your Bula Watch List Report
I want to be notified when a bill or proposed rule is introduced…
Subscribe to Bula’s Bill and Proposed Rule Report via the My Reports Preferences option under the Settings drop down.
I want to be notified when a bill or proposed rule passes…
Subscribe to Bula’s Bill and Proposed Rule Report AND/OR Subscribe to Bula Briefs AND/OR Add items to your Bula Watch List.
I want to be notified when there is a movement on a bill or proposed rule…
Subscribe to Bula’s Bill and Proposed Rule Report AND/OR Add items to your Bula Watch List.
I want to be notified when a board meeting is scheduled…
Subscribe to Board Meeting Agendas.
I want to be notified when the board of pharmacy issues new guidance…
Subscribe to Bula Briefs.
I want to find out what tasks a pharmacist or technician can perform…
On the FAQ page, entering terms such as, duties, dispensing, and expanded scope with pull up FAQs that contain the information you’re looking for.
I want to find out what Executive Orders are in place in a jurisdiction…
In the Current Law section of the database, use the Browse Laws area to open folders containing Subregulations > Executive Orders. EOs are listed by date.
I want to find out what immunizations can be administered by a pharmacist/intern/technician…
On the FAQ page, entering the term “immunization” will pull up FAQs that contain the information you’re looking for.
I want to find out what bills or proposed rules have been introduced relating to a specific topic…
On the Bills and Proposed Rules page of the platform, use the topics drop down to select subjects AND/OR enter the keywords into the search using the Boolean tips located above the search bar.