This month’s Insights Newsletter covers the latest practice-changing pharmacy updates, emerging trends, and natural medicines trending topics and resources. Read information on how to ensure your pharmacists can confidently and accurately counsel patients about natural medicines and supplements, upcoming CriticalPoint virtual trainings, and more!
Insights Newsletter | December 2022
Put Cardiovascular Risks with Triptans in Perspective
Questions continue to come up about which patients with migraine should avoid triptans due to cardiovascular concerns. For example, alerts often pop up about using triptans in patients with cardiovascular risks, but it’s hard to know when these alerts are clinically significant. In our articles, we outline the history of how cardiovascular contraindications landed in triptan package labeling decades ago and how our understanding of cardiovascular disease and migraine has changed over the years. We also give advice on how to evaluate whether patients with cardiovascular risk factors can use a triptan and share practical examples to help individualize recommendations. Read Newsletter
Community Pharmacies: Help Patients Navigate OTC Hearing Aids
Hearing aids are popping up in pharmacies and other retailers now that an FDA rule allows them to be sold over the counter (OTC). Pharmacy teams and prescribers will need to be prepared to answer questions about which patients are appropriate for hearing aids, how to select a product, and how to use it properly. Our articles highlight the differences between OTC and prescription hearing aids and personal sound amplification products. We provide advice on how to identify potential candidates for OTC hearing aids, which screening questions to ask, and when to recommend a hearing test. Guidance on how to screen for red flags and when to refer patients to an audiologist is also covered. Read Newsletter
Hospital Pharmacies: Reevaluate Protocols for Acute Pancreatitis
New evidence in patients with acute pancreatitis suggests that a less aggressive approach to fluid resuscitation may be better than the standard practice. This will lead to questions about the best way to manage these patients. Our Hospital Pharmacist’s Letter article and resource, Pancreatitis, provide clear guidance on the latest evidence-based approach to moderate hydration in acute pancreatitis, including IV fluid selection, bolus volume and maintenance rates, and monitoring and adjustment parameters. We also provide recommendations for other interventions in patients with acute pancreatitis, such as antibiotic stewardship, early oral nutrition, and pain management. Read Newsletter
Other Covered Topics:
Read about how the Adderall shortage is resulting in an increase interest in non-prescription alternatives, and be sure to check out the latest updates in our Natural Medicines Resource Hub. Don’t forget to check out the upcoming CriticalPoint virtual training schedule, and watch our new on-demand webinar.
Insights Newsletter | December 2022
TRC Healthcare News & Resources

PLOS ONE (2016): Clinical Utility of a Comprehensive, Whole Genome CMA Testing Platform in Pediatrics

Insights Newsletter April 2023: Emerging Trends for Clinical Leadership